Mercedes Spot for VICE The Admiralspalast in Berlin is steeped in history. It was the first location for our shoot with VICE. Our Cinemacopter carried a RED Monochrome indoors. Welcome To Farewell – A Blind Man’s Poem from Storz & Escherich on Vimeo. A new venue for our second shoot with VICE was a mansion, located outside of Berlin. This time,… Leer más »
Archivo mensual: mayo 2016
Aerials for Paramount
Paramount production in Berlin Beside «Homeland» and «Sense8», Berlin served as the film location for another US-Series. With our ALEXA Mini drone, we supported the Paramount production «Berlin Station» for 10 days in the city of Berlin. However, our Cinemadrone System wasnt used only in Berlin. Another filming location took place in a wild environment. Many of our aerials were shot there in… Leer más »